P h o t o - P a i n t i n g

The photos of Olga Krashenko are an exception in our all digital world: her "photo-painting" depends on the encounter between light and different surfaces as a result of multi-dimensional reflections. Sometimes she installs in a very specific way her various surfaces: mirrors, glasses, bright reflecting papers, water and other materials. In other situations she may catch the magic moment of the natural light which is going to disappear quickly after only a very few minutes.
Olga Krashenko made some special photo for the booklets of such CD labels as Mode Records, Stradivarius and Acel. Also her photography was used as a source material for visual projections and transformations in the opera of Gerard Pape "Pourquoi les poètes?" which was performed at the "Sound" Festival in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Her photo works were exhibited in France in festivals in Bessé sur Braye, Tuffé, Saint Calais, Sargé sur Braye, Saint Maixent and other French cities. In 2016, her photography was selected for the International Photography Exhibition "Explore The World" which took place at the Drik Gallery.